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Photo of a student looking at a Lego set

Regular school attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. The activities that take place in the classroom are a vital part of the teaching and learning process and days lost from class can never be recaptured.

Most subjects are taught in sequence, requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of its presentation. Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is regarded as a very serious problem.

It is recognized that there are times when students cannot or should not attend school. Upon receiving notification from the parent/guardian, such absences are classified as excused absences.

Students between the ages of 6 (on or before September 1) and 14 years or who are enrolled in any of grades kindergarten through 8 in the public school regardless of age are subject to compulsory school attendance, with limited exceptions. For further information on exceptions, please refer to Board Policy 7:070, Attendance and Truancy.

Chronic Absenteeism

Beginning on July 1, 2018, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) now requires school districts and individual schools to document chronic absenteeism for its students.

Chronic absenteeism can be defined as absences that total 10% or more of school days of the most recent academic year, including absences with and without valid cause and out of school suspensions.

The district will collect and review its chronic absence data and determine what systems of support and resources are needed to engage chronically absent students and their families to encourage daily attendance and promote success.


Students are expected to arrive at school on time.

A student arriving at school after the start of school is required to report to the office before proceeding to the classroom.

Excessive tardies may result in student discipline and/or a report of truancy to the Regional Office of Education.

*Please refer to your individual school information regarding these activities.

Mental Health student Absences

Students are allowed to be absent for up to 5 days for mental or behavioral health reasons without needing to submit a medical note. Students shall be allowed to make up any school work missed. After the second mental or behavioral health absence, the student may be referred to appropriate school personnel.

covid-19 Mitigations

District 62 will implement guidance issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health or the Illinois State Board of Education to the extent it is required to ensure a safe and healthy school environment.

Early Release / Parent Pick Up

Students will be released from school early only under special circumstances.

Parents are encouraged to make appointments at the beginning or end of the school day to minimize the amount of time taken from the school day.

It is the responsibility of the pupil to make up work missed during any absence from class. For the protection of the child, it is required that the parent pick him/her up in the school office and sign the student release book.

A student will not be dismissed during the school day unless a properly identified adult is present to pick up the student.

For safety and security reasons, a prior written consent of a student’s custodial parent/guardian is required before a student is released during school hours: (1) at any time before the regular dismissal time or at any time before school is otherwise officially closed, and/or (2) to any person other than a custodial parent/guardian.

Excused Absence

The parent/guardian must notify the school if the student is absent from school for any reason. An absence shall be “excused” when a child is absent from school  because of illness (including mental or behavioral health of the student), observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, attendance at a civic event, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student as determined by the Board, or other such circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s physical health or safety, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee. Students absent for a valid cause may make up missed homework and classwork assignments in a reasonable timeframe.

The district discourages families from taking vacations when school is in session and does not classify vacation time as an excused absence.

However, the district recognizes that there are times when a family may opt to remove their children from school for purposes of vacation. Should that be the case, parents should contact their child’s principal to make necessary arrangements.

In the case of an extended illness, it will not be necessary to call the school every day; however, the school may require verification from a physician.

If the illness exceeds two weeks, provision for continuing the child’s instruction, including possible tutorial help, will be made. The district reserves the right to request documentation from a physician for any absences when a student has had excessive absences during the school year.

Inclement Weather Announcements

When a determination is made that a school or schools should be closed to protect the health and safety of students, the information will be announced by the district’s automated notification system, and major radio and television stations. Announcements will also be displayed on the district’s website.

The district’s automated notification system allows the district to send important information quickly via phone and/or email about emergency situations, school delays or cancellations due to inclement weather. It also allows each school to contact parents about important school information and events, testing schedules, report card distribution, open houses, delayed buses, field trips, and more.

Parents are not required to register for the notification system. ALL parents and guardians of students enrolled in the school are automatically enrolled in this communication system.

Parents must update changes in their mailing address, phone numbers or email by contacting their school secretary.

Questions, comments, and concerns may also be directed to

Announcements will also be displayed on the district's website. The following media will carry school closing information.

District 62 -
The Chicago Tribune -
WGN - AM 720
WBBM - AM 780
WLS - AM 890


The Emergency Closing Center

Arrival and dismissal

Elementary Schools

9:00am to 3:30pm Tuesday – Friday

Mondays are early dismissal at 3:15pm

Supervision of students begins at 8:45am

Office closes at 4:00pm