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School Improvement Plan

Photo of students presenting their Shark Tank ideas to district administrators.


A School Improvement Plan (SIP) or School Development Plan (SDP) is a central document used by Senior Leadership teams to map out their strategic plans for the development of their school.

Student Learning in literacy

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024, 40% of students met or exceeded ELA standards on IAR.

• IN 2025, 50% of students will meet/exceed ELA standards on IAR.

English Learners

• In 2024, 2.9% of students met or exceeded ELA standards on IAR.

• IN 2025, 28% of students will meet/exceed ELA standards on IAR.

Students with IEPs

• In 2024, 21% of students met or exceeded ELA standards on IAR.

• IN 2025, 31% of students will meet/exceed ELA standards on IAR.

Specific Action Steps Timeline & Setting Point Person
Create small groups to differentiate instruction on targeted skills (vocabulary, grammar, conventions). Utilize a diverse range of reading materials (decodable books, leveled readers, high interest, book room books).

Aug 2024 - May 2025 

Weekly within the classroom

Classroom teachers

Teachers will collaborate with instructional coach to ensure rigorous learning tasks are focused on reading, writing, and speaking about content-specific, grade level texts. and other grade levels to ensure vertical articulation. 


Teachers will use vertical articulation time to ensure common writing strategies such as R.A.C.E are used so that students are exposed to common language.

Aug 2024 - May 2025

Team leaders will share out monthly. Monthly building meetings will have a writing focus. Instructional coach will meet with grade level teams to help plan rigorous instruction.

Classroom teachers
EL resource teachers collaborate with gen ed teachers by sharing individualized English language development (ELD) plans to support ELD growth and strengthen language development within content areas.  There will be a focus on co-planning to incorporate language targets. This will be done using specific strategies and scaffolds to support. Building meetings, team leader meetings will be dedicated to incorporation of language targets and importance of co-planning
Build independence by allowing students to work on their own and use self-correction and peer editing.

Aug 2024 - May 2025

Weekly collaboration meetings will occur.

Classroom teachers



Student learning in math

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024, 34% of students met on IAR

• IN 2025, 44% of students will meet on IAR

English Learners

• In 2024, 12% of students met on IAR

• IN 2025, 30% of students will meet on IAr

Students with IEPs

• In 2024, 26% of students with IEPs met on IAR

• IN 2025, 36% of students with IEPs will meet on iar

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Consistently input and review Forefront data (check points, post unit assessment, and number corner assessments when applicable) and use that data to create targeted tier 2 instruction (workplace and WIN time).

Aug 2024- May 2025

At the end of each unit.

Grade level teachers

Teachers will Implement Number Corner and Bridges with fidelity to help  

incorporate ways to have students explain and reason their answers. This can also be done through performance tasks, writing in response to word problems, and oral explanations to partners. Use of iReady math will also be incorporated to ensure students have supplemental instruction.

Aug 2024- May 2025

Daily within the classroom.

Grade level teachers

EL resource teachers collaborate with gen ed teachers by sharing individualized English language development (ELD) plans to support ELD growth and strengthen language development within content areas.  This will be done using specific strategies and scaffolds to support math vocabulary. 

Aug 2024- May 2025

Weekly at collaboration meetings.

EL and Grade level teachers



Student social emotional well-being

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

Current Data as of August 2024: 37% Fully IMplemented on TFI

SMART Goal for May 2025: 70% Fully Implemented on TFI or Fully implemented specific features of tier 1 tfi

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person

A formal system (i.e., written
set of procedures for specific behavior feedback that is linked to school-wide expectations and used across settings and within classrooms) will be in place and used by at least 90% of a sample of staff and received by at least 50% of a sample of students.

Kick off in August

Team leaders and PBIS coordinator

Faculty are shown school- wide data regularly and provide input on universal foundations (e.g., expectations, acknowledgements, definitions, consequences).

Training will take place at October building meeting

Principal and SPED coordinator
Tier I team reviews and uses discipline data and academic outcome data (e.g., Curriculum-Based Measures, state tests) at least monthly for decision-making.

Monthly starting in September

Teacher leaders 



data analysis schoolwide needs assessment

Student Group Current Learning Data as of August 2024 SMART Goal for May 2025

All students on reading MAP

63% of all students met on NWEA MAP Reading

We will increase the percentage of students meeting on NWEA MAP Reading to 73%

All students on math MAP

74% of all students met on NWEA MAP Math

We will increase the percentage of students meeting on NWEA MAP Math to 84%
IEP students on reading MAP

33% of IEP students met on NWEA MAP Reading

We will increase the percentage of students meeting on NWEA MAP Reading to 43%
IEP students on math MAP 32% of IEP students met on NWEA MAP Math We will increase the percentage of students meeting on NWEA MAP Math to 42%



building leadership team

Team Member Name Role
Erica Cupuro


Katerina Vaselopulos


Colleen Nielsen

Team Leader

Jamie Mette Team Leader

Lisa James

Team Leader

Lisa Gatz

Team Leader

Sandy Sobon

Team Leader

Polly Brenner

Team Leader

Gary Paustian

Team Leader
Kara Matjoulis Team Leader
Stephanie Harczak Team Leader

Evelin Siguenza

EL Facilitator