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School Improvement Plan

Photo of students presenting their Shark Tank ideas to district administrators.


A School Improvement Plan (SIP) or School Development Plan (SDP) is a central document used by Senior Leadership teams to map out their strategic plans for the development of their school.

Student Learning in literacy

SMART Goal for Student learning in literacy

By Spring 2024 50% of 3rd-5th students will meet or exceed on the ELA IAR assessment. 80% of students in grades K-2 will achieve 40th percentile on ELA or higher as measured by spring 2024 FastBridge.

Current Status As of As of spring 2023, 38% of students are meeting and/or exceeding on the ELA  IAR assessment. 

52% of students in grades K-2 achieved th 40th percentile or higher on ELA as measured by the fall 2023 FastBridge assessment

Specific Action Steps Timeline & Setting Point Person

Teachers administer and review assessments to provide additional support to master grade level standards.  

Monthly Team leaders

Teachers provide Tier 2 extra support/extended learning in a timely manner based on common assessment results to ensure students learn the essential ELA standards. 

After each benchmark assessment Classroom teachers

Students use Kagan engagement structures during ELA to process information, collaboratively negotiate meaning and discuss content.

Daily in the classroom Teachers, Coaches

EL resource teachers collaborate with gen ed teachers by sharing individualized English language development (ELD) plans to support ELD growth and strengthen language development within content areas.  This will be done using specific strategies and scaffolds to support.

Weekly during collaboration EL teachers

Grade level teams will work with the instructional coach using student-centered cycles to ensure that students are making expected growth.

3-6 week cycles will occur throughout the year Instructional coach and grade level teams

K-3 teachers deliver daily explicit systematic phonics instruction using the high impact routines.




Student learning in math

SMART Goal for Student learning in math

By Spring of 2024 50% of students in grade 3-5 will meet or exceed on the math IAR assessment.

80% of students in grades K-2 will achieve the 40th percentile or higher on math as measured by the spring 2024 FastBridge assessment.

Current Status: As of spring 2023, 38% of students are meeting and/or exceeding on the math IAR assessment. As of Fall 2023, 64% of students in grades K-2 achieved the 40th percentile or higher on math as measured by the Fall 2023 FastBridge assessment.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person

Teacher teams utilize Forefront to analyze student data on math standards, targeting essential standards.

After each benchmark assessment Grade level team leaders

Students use Kagan engagement structures every day during literacy learning to process information, collaboratively negotiate meaning of texts, and discuss content.

Daily in the classroom Classroom teachers and Kagan coaches

Teachers provide Tier 2 extra support/extended learning in a timely manner based on common assessment results to ensure students learn the essential math standards.  

Daily in the classroom Classroom teachers

EL resource teachers collaborate with gen ed teachers by sharing individualized English language development (ELD) plans to support ELD growth and strengthen language development within content areas.  

Weekly collaboration  EL teachers

Grade level team will work with the instructional coach using student-centered cycles to ensure that students are making expected growth.

3-6 week cycles Teachers, coaches



Student social emotional well-being

SMART Goal for Student social emotional well-being

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound

By Spring 2024 Central School will have an Established Tier 1 PBIS team that meets 75% of the criterion points on the fidelity index

Current status: Central School has a Tier 1 PBIS team that meets 33% of the criterion points on the fidelity index.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person

Expected academic and social behaviors will be taught directly to all students in classrooms and across other campus settings/locations.

Classroom teachers will begin in August and reinforce on an on-going basis

Team leaders and classroom teachers

School policies and procedures will describe and emphasize proactive, instructive, and/
or restorative approaches
 to student behavior that are implemented consistently. 

Starting and August and building throughout the school year on monthly basis

Teacher leaders and principal and external PBIS coach

A formal system (i.e., written
set of procedures for specific behavior feedback that is
[a] linked to school-wide expectations and [b] used across settings and within classrooms) will be in place and used by at least 90% of a sample of staff and received by at least 50% of a sample of students. 

Monthly meetings between District leadership and team leaders

Teacher leaders and principal and external PBIS coach



The team

Team Member Name Role

Stephanie Harczak

Kindergarten team leader

Jamie Sloan

1st grade team leader

Karen Lucas

2nd grade team leader

Jilienne Naguib

3rd grade team leader

Jamie Mette

4th grade team leader

Juliann Zielinski

5th grade team leader

Colleen Nielsen

Student services team leader

Lisa Gatz

Specials team leader

Evelin Siguenza

EL facilitator

Erica Cupuro
